Sunday, November 20, 2011

Between2 - Loden my new trainer

I should know better than to turn on the TV in the wee hours of the morning. Of course, some of my best finds have been during these pitch black hours.

I have found dad such handy tools as the 'duel head drill driver', the 'total trolley' and the 'ultimate coffee pot.' (Though I admit the 'ultimate' only lasted a year.)

This morning I was surfing the channels with no intent in mind and came across 'The Abdoer’ – a  piece of exercise machinery. It was hard not being sucked in. Like a black hole in space just waiting for a victim – I came, I saw, I bought.

My history with exercise machines is not good. I have had treadmills, stationary bikes, a Nordic track and something called a "Gazelle". All have worked as advertised, but alas, my body just cannot stand up to repetition an exercise machine demands.

BUT, I am always looking. With Oregon being in the rain nine months out of the year and me being a fair weather walker, I have to find something. The Pilates are great, but get boring.

So this is a machine that does not put demands on my delicate knees and feet (birth defect not taken care of when I was young, no fault of mom or dad, just didn't know how to rectify it back in those days).

So come 10 days from now I will be the proud owner of a 'Abdoer". I will have to give it a better name. How about "My trainer - Loden - from Norway?"

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading the old posts; love your family stories and hope you'll catch us all up. Meanwhile, I think I remember that Ab-doer of yours at a garage sale! haha, I love my Pilates reformer machine, if I just can find a new space for it so my feet don't hit the walls when I attempt the moves.
