Sunday, November 27, 2011

Between2 - Thanksgiving conversation

Thanksgiving was one continuous conversation. With four Snyders and assorted other guests it couldn’t be anything but a ‘talk fest.’

Wade, the elder brother, had to catch us up on his plans and continuing education to become a gunsmith and move to Coos Bay to be nearer to the family. He and the younger brother, Jeff, are intending to go into business together. Jeff has been trading knives on the internet since he became disabled. It is something he can do in the wee hours of the morning when he can’t sleep because of the pain.

The sister-in-laws both seem to get along. They enjoy each other’s company and the break from their husband’s obsession with weapons. I swear the guys talked guns until my eyes glazed over. I thought I talked a lot about my writing and gardening, but at least I have two topics not just one.

Melissa did a great job with dinner. We had it Wednesday night so we could eat up some of the leftovers on Thursday before we all left on Friday. I even caught the boys in the kitchen helping, one making the mashed potatoes and the other stirring the gravy. It looked like some scene from a movie made for TV about a family holiday.

Jeff’s bird, an African Gray named Meken, and their dog Mason kept us all entertained in the few breaks of the conversation. I was trying to get Meken interested in Queen. He likes music and dancing, but his tastes run more to Rod Stewart. Mason is easy to please. She has a ‘ball’ obsession. Throw the ball and she is entertained until she tires enough she flops down in her bed or your arm gives out.

Dad enjoyed the gathering, but missed quite a bit because of his hearing problems. He can’t understand anything when everyone is talking at once and that was just about all the time.

I got the group to slow down and shut up long enough to take pictures of everyone alone, in couples and groups. They all moaned and complained, but you know they all asked me to send copies to them when I left.

The bus ride down and back was better than driving for both dad and me, but it was still long. I think we will wait until spring to make another trip that direction. Jeff asked me to come back in May to see the rhoadies in bloom. We’ll do our best.

Now it’s time to settle into the Christmas hustle and bustle. All the weekends between now and then are planned with something. It is going to be a wild holiday season. Hopefully, we will keep ourselves busy enough we will only miss mom when we slow down for breaths between events.

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