Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Between2 - If wishes were horses...

My life would be perfect if all medical issues could be resolved.

Many people in the past have noted how important your health is to your piece of mind. When you take classes in elder care they tell you that the reason your charge talks incessantly about their health is because to them they are waging a war. I feel like I have been at war for the last 15 plus years.

First it was with mom’s health, now it seems the Snyders have more battles to fight.

Dad has been diagnosed with high blood pressure. They are sending him to a kidney specialist this week because they cannot find any reason for the problem in his blood. I guess issues with your kidneys can affect your blood pressure.

On top of that are the continuing issues with Stanley, the cats, health. The vet cannot seem to get his sinus infection under control. It is not through lack of trying. We have been trying all summer, fall and now into the winter. I have put no less than $1,000 into his this past 6 months. The poor guy can’t breathe. His nose is stopped up. His eyes weep. He has bloody noses and constant drainage down his throat. In short, he is miserable. When the animals or folks around me are miserable, I’m miserable.

Then there is my health question. I went in for a simple check up. It led to two more ‘look sees’ - then a more intense procedure Friday. They are testing for cancer of the uterus. Whoopee, just what I didn’t need. I will get my results sometime the first part of this week.

I wish I was a fairy with magical powers like I write about on my fiction site. I would pass a wand over all three of us and make it all better. I would even give Jewel, the other cat, a shot to make sure nothing happened to her. If nothing else, it would kill a flea or two.

But, I am not a fairy. I cannot make it better. This is something I learned with mom. As much as I wanted to I could only do so much. I could NOT make it better, as much as I wanted to.

Oh, to be able to live it that magical world where you could repair, fix, rectify, correct, everything. As mother would say, ‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’

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