Sunday, December 11, 2011

Between2 - Saying goodbye again

Well, there is good news and bad news. I think I will start with the good first. If I start with the bad I won’t get through the blog today.

Those medical issues I spoke of a couple of days ago, that’s what I want to tell you about today.

Dad’s high blood pressure seems to be under control with the increased medication. He needs to see a kidney specialist in January. I guess kidney problems can increase blood pressure and there seems to be no other underlining problem the cardiologist can see - so for the moment that medical issue is okay and on hold.

I received the results from my biopsy. It was benign - so no further need to pursue that. Whew, that was too close for comfort, but good news - giving a big sigh of relief.

Now to the bad news; I had to have Stanley, the cat, put to sleep.

I had come to the end of my emotional and financial limits. Stanley was no longer letting me medicate him. In fact, he was running from me any time I entered the room. I was heart sick. He used to be such a loving and sweet, cuddly kitty.

Taking care of Stanley triggered all kinds of memories of taking care of mother and how futile it was thinking I could fix her illness. I was so depressed and dad was not far behind me. I just wanted to get the Stanley Man well for Christmas. All I wanted for Christmas was my fur-faced cuddly guy back.

I asked the Vet to get to the bottom of the problem. “Let’s put him under and have a good look,” I suggested.

The vet did just that. He found a growth that obstructed almost half of his throat. He was in so much pain that even anesthetized he bit the doctor and drew blood when the vet touched the growth.

They biopsied it and it was cancer.

The doctor said he was in a lot of pain and putting him out of his misery was the right thing to do.

Being the right thing did not make it any easier. He was such a love and so gentle. He died lying in my lap. We will miss him terribly. My arms are already lonely for him. It is going to be a very difficult Christmas without Mom and Stanley. 

I hope they meet up in heaven and have a good Christmas together.

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